How Do You Eradicate Japanese Knotweed?

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It is widely written and a common misconception that Japanese Knotweed can be eradicated from a site if placed under a herbicide treatment plan. Unfortunately, this is not the case! Although the Japanese Knotweed growth may seem to have stopped growing after herbicide treatment, it is in fact, in a state of forced dormancy. Movement of the soil could invigorate more growth meaning the herbicide programme would have to be re-started! Herbicide application is not regarded as an ‘eradication’ technique and we would suggest speaking to a specialist before any development is started, regardless of the number of years the Japanese Knotweed has been dormant or under treatment.

The Difficulties Of Removing Japanese Knotweed

Eradicating Japanese Knotweed is notoriously extremely difficult. The only way to totally eradicate the plant is to remove all infested soil from the area including the whole rhizome structure. You do not want to leave any behind! The process on site in principle is simple: follow and remove all underground rhizome growths until the root structure of the plant is no longer visible. Completing this task sounds easy but can be extremely difficult when you factor in the expansive coverage of ground that Japanese Knotweed can infest, along with the licencing which is required to legally dispose of the material.

The complete eradication and removal of Japanese Knotweed can be costly, but this is the only method to ensure no growth remains on site and building works or garden maintenance can be carried out without the major risks of future damage and spread. Without the removal of this problem species, homeowners are risking spreading the growth around their property, along with fines if disposed of illegally.

For any queries on the above or if you would like a free identification of a potential Japanese Knotweed plant, please contact us at